
We need you! Change the world by volunteering with Dream on Purpose, which is a 100% volunteer-led, non-profit organization. We are looking for skilled and committed individuals passionate about empowering tomorrow’s leaders to give of their time, talents, treasures, ties and testimonials. You can join the board or team, complete an internship, become a brand ambassador, volunteer as a speaker and serve as a donor or sponsor. Check out the myriad of opportunities available to see which is the best fit for you. Thank you for making a difference!

Make a Difference

The Board of Directors is responsible for the strategic governance and oversight of the organization, which includes managing budgets, setting policies, setting goals and measuring achievements. Board members serve a two-year term and may serve one additional consecutive term. The board meets no more than (12) times a year, in addition to one board retreat. Dream on Purpose may hold other events or learning opportunities throughout the year. Board member involvement includes regularly attending board meetings, working on at least one committee, serving as a board ambassador for a Dream on Purpose event, and supporting a fundraising activity. Resume required.

We are currently looking for individuals with the following expertise: 

  • Accounting
  • Legal
  • Fundraising
  • Marketing
  • Information Technology


To serve as a board member, email in**@dr************.org

The Team is responsible for the day-to-day planning of events and programs, which includes creating agendas, brainstorming resources, developing innovative activities that encourage youth participation, marketing and branding, and setting up and breaking down events. A team member may serve in a short- or long-term capacity with the organization. Team members are asked to attend bi-weekly meetings and Dream on Purpose and partner events and programs. Dream on Purpose may hold other events or learning opportunities throughout the year. Resume required. 

We are currently looking for individuals with the following expertise:

  • Event Planning
  • Child Psychology or Youth Mental Health Training


To serve as a team member, email in**@dr************.org

An intern assists team member(s) with the day-to-day planning of events and programs, which includes creating agendas, brainstorming resources, developing innovative activities that encourage youth participation, marketing and branding, and setting up and breaking down events. An intern is an individual who receives credit hours in exchange for her/his volunteerism. An intern may serve in a short- or long-term capacity with the organization, which depends on the needs of her/his educational program. Interns are asked to attend bi-weekly meetings, Dream on Purpose and partner events and programs, and meetings with her/his direct supervisor (individual who will sign off on hours and/or write letters of recommendation). Dream on Purpose may hold other events or learning opportunities throughout the year. Resume required.

We are currently looking for individuals with the following expertise:

To serve as an intern, email in**@dr************.org

A brand ambassador is an individual who represents the Dream on Purpose brand by embodying our values and generates awareness of our events and programs by forging relationships, forming connections, encouraging participation and wearing or displaying our swag. Brand ambassadors are encouraged to attend Dream on Purpose and partner events and programs and may be asked to attend a team meeting once a month and provide feedback. Dream on Purpose may hold other events or learning opportunities throughout the year. A brand ambassador may be a youth or an adult and must be willing to offer testimonials.

To serve as a brand ambassador, email in**@dr************.org

Dream on Purpose works with subject matter experts to bring informative programming to youth. In order to serve as a speaker during an event or program, one must have an educational background, experience or expertise, or credentialing/licensing on the specified topic. Biography required.

To serve as a speaker, email in**@dr************.org

Dream on Purpose is in need of monetary, in-kind, and trade donations/sponsorships to support its events and programs. No donation amount is too small. Recognition tiers and incentives are available.

To donate or sponsor an event or program, email in**@dr************.org